MADISON, Wis. (CIVIC MEDIA) – The Spring thaw has begun a bit early and with frost leaving the ground, heavier loads can’t use our roads.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is ending the frozen road declaration for the entire state (Zones 1 through 5) as of midnight Friday, February 28th.
WisDOT and county highway personnel monitor temperature forecasts, and use frost tubes. These liquid-filled devices are placed under the pavement and help determine when roads are thawed to lift declarations.
Due to the rapid warm up over the past 5 days, Class II and posted road restrictions are temporarily on hold as field staff continue to evaluate conditions. Motor carriers are encouraged to monitor the Seasonal Weight Restriction Program website and the Frozen Roads hotline at (608) 266-8417 for the latest information.
Class II roads include about 1,400 miles of state highways susceptible to damage from heavy trucks during the spring thaw. County highways, town roads, city and village streets may also be posted or limited to legal load limits or less. Decisions to place or lift weight restrictions on those roads are up to local units of government.
Visit WisDOT’s oversize/overweight permits website for more information.
Haulers with specific questions can contact WisDOT’s Oversize/Overweight Permits Unit at (608) 266-7320.
NWS Frost Depths
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